Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Christmas Candle

Turn your lights low and read by the glow of this candle, about the life of our Savior at this Christmas time. From the scriptures we read of His example and Christ like characteristics, His mission on each so divine. Strive diligently to emulate each of these wonderful qualities and follow the example of our Savior each day. Not only at this special giving season, but throughout the year remember Him and show love in every way.

December 1st John 13:15 Example
December 2nd Matthew 18:4 Humility
December 3rd Colossians 3:13 Forgiveness
December 4th 1 Corinthians 16:14 Charity
December 5th John 12:26 Service
December 6th James 2:18 Faith
December 7th Colossians 3:20 Obedience
December 8th Matthew 5:9 Peacemaker
December 9th Mark 5:19 Compassionate
December 10th Luke 6:36 Merciful
December 11th Daniel 6:26 Steadfast
December 12th Matthew 5:16 Good Works
December 13th Leviticus 19:2 Holy
December 14th Matthew 5:48 Perfect
December 15th Matthew 11:29 Meek
December 16th Hebrews 6:15 Patient
December 17th John 15:13 Friend
December 18th Matthew 5:8 Pure in Heart
December 19th 1 Corinthians 13:7 Endurance
December 20th Proverbs 1:5 Wisdom
December 21st Romans 14:13 Judge Not
December 22nd John 15:12 Show Love
December 23rd Proverbs 4:11 Leader
December 24th Philippians 4:8 Honest
December 25th Luke 2:11 Chosen

Beginning December 1st read one scripture reference each day until Christmas. Light a candle as you read to remind you of Christ’s life and example.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Jokes

What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet

What is the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet?
The Christmas alphabet has No L (Noel)

What Christmas Carol is a favorite of parents?
Silent Night

Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
So he can hoe hoe hoe

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

What kind of bird can write?
A Pen-guin

What did the ghost say to Santa Claus?
I’ll have a boo Christmas without you . . .

How do sheep in Mexico say Merry Christmas?
Fleece Navidad!

What does a cat on the beach have in common with Christmas?
Sandy Claws!

What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when a fire is lit?
Crisp Cringle

What kind of candle burns longer, a red candle or a green candle?
Neither! Candles always burn shorter!

What do you get if you deep fry Santa Claus?
Crisp Cringle

Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
He had low elf esteem

What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?

Monday, December 1, 2008


Hello Everyone,

I am currently working on several things right now. Inculding but not limited to decorating my apartment for Christmas. I am taking pictures and will be posting them soon. Thank you everyone for your patience!

Love Yeah,
